Commemorative Stamps Illustration Options

Commemorative Stamps : Illustration Plan

With the different stamp layout ideas sketched out, I am now free to start my illustrations! But I wanted to create a rough plan first on how to produce the stamps:

Before any illustrations can take place, I want to first take pictures of my chosen pubs and restaurants. For ease of the illustration process, I want to work directly from a photograph of the building so I can be sure that the scale of the building is correct. This will only be possible if I work from my own photographs, if I was to use a photo downloaded from the internet, my work would fall into the copyright issue and this a key element that all graphic designers want and need to stay clear from!

Once the photographs have been taken, I will work with Adobe Fresco to illustrate the structure and details of the buildinng. Using the already favourited design element of strong, bold lines. The only thing I need to keep an eye on here is the amount of detail I include within the design, it is very important that I keep the true stamp scale in the back of my head so I create a design that will work at a small scale.

I have decided to illustrate the full building to allow the audience to easily see what the ilustration is of and hope, that if they recognise the building, can place it themselves. I’m hoping that by having the full building ilustrated, I will be able to include limited detail to showcase the pub and/or restaurant clearly.

Once the outline has been illustrated, I will then start to include colour, but as I am inspired by all three of the building style illustrations I have previously researched, I am unclear on how colour will be shown within my designs. But I do know that this is an element that I cannot include, in some way, shape or form, colour will be included wihtin my stamps designs.

I am aware that the plan above is quite loose, but it has cleared my head to understand how I should start the illustration process. With my head cleared, I now know how to start the illustration process, and with the limited time left for the brief, this is extremely helpful and has made me feel more confident and capable of completing this project to a good design standard.

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