Graphic Design and Professional Practice Project X - Inclusivity

Thumbnail Sketches to Plan the Campaign Video

With the majority of the details highlighted in Day 7’s session, I wanted to take the next step in my contribution for the project. As my design piece is the video, I technically can’t start it until the other members of the group have finalised their pieces, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be prepared beforehand. The video is intendeded to highlight our message as well as showcasing the elements that need to be designed – such as, t-shirt, badge and pledge. The aim of our video is to tie all aspects of the project together while also raising awareness for people who have an invisible disabilty. My plan can be seen below:

Thumbnail sketches to plan the Campaign Video

The plan above was inspired by the ACT video previously researched for Inspiring Case Studies. I wanted to create a video that would engage the audience aswell as inform them. The plan above is very basic, but until I have the final elements from my other group members, I can only plan the basic message of the video – once I have the final pieces, I will be able to design something using Adobe Sparks that match the design aesthetic of my groups work, hopefully following a consistent scheme that ties the video in with our other elements for the campaign.

Facts/Statistics that could be used in the video:

1 in 5 people in the UK are disabled1

93% of people with disabilities are not wheelchair users2

1 in 7 people in the UK have an invisible disabilty3

70% of people with a disability in the UK have a hidden disability4


  1. Fact was taken from the ACT Campaign video previously researched
  2. Twitter. 2021. Visibilty93. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 January 2021].
  3. Psychreg. 2021. Not Every Disability Is Visible’: What Are the Most Common ‘Invisible’ Disabilities? | Psychreg. [ONLINE] Available at:,Why%20a%20greater%20awareness%20of%20hidden%20disabilities%20in%20important,7%20people%20in%20the%20UK.. [Accessed 19 January 2021].
  4. 2021. No page title. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 January 2021].